The Australian Camp Oven Festival Camp Oven Cooking Competition is a great event, and we are looking forward to our 2026 competition being even bigger and better than ever!

There are several competition categories at our festival including Championship, Intermediate, Beginner category and Drovers Apprentices (for youth under 18). Competitors can cook in teams of up to four people.

  • The DA Hall & Co Championship competition offers great prize money as well as the coveted Championship Camp Oven that can’t be purchased elsewhere. The competition runs over the 2 days of the festival and competitors must cook everything on the menu.
  • The Intermediate competition is a great way for past beginners to progress before tackling the Championship category.
  • The Beginner competition is a “have a go” competition and you can choose to do it all or select just one thing to cook, it’s up to you.
  • The Drovers Apprentices competition is suitable for youth or school aged entries.
  • Look out for the new ONE SHOT Damper Cooking competition – see details on OTHER COMPETITIONS page. 

So, get your team together, get practicing and come along and enjoy yourself at the next Australian Camp Oven Festival.

Category menus and entry forms for 2026 will be available closer to our next event.